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Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter

fragen - beratung - bestellung


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+49.(0)7131.390 17 31

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Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter

fragen - beratung - bestellung


wir freuen uns auf sie
+49.(0)7131.390 17 31


Gabriele Schenke creates accessories for living and wearing out of high quality resources together with traditional handicraft. the charming products are produced in a fairtrade project with nepalese workers. from the design in germany to the careful production in nepal all products are handmade and unique. each item maintains a small piece of history: fair working conditions for the labours spend pleasure in a dignified working place. the felt cushions, bags and slippers are available in wide range of colours in our store.