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Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter

fragen - beratung - bestellung


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+49.(0)7131.390 17 31

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Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter

fragen - beratung - bestellung


wir freuen uns auf sie
+49.(0)7131.390 17 31

reconstruction bungalow brütten

at the end of 1990, interior designer andré bachmann purchased an over fourty years old bungalow, close to zürich, switzerland. he, being an successful agent for high quality, italian design companies, decided to combine a house for his family and an office for his designagency. architect peter kunz designed the whole building, and added a clear, transparent extension, being the office of the agency. exactly at that time, andré bachmann met performa. designlanguage, materialisation and quality of the performa products perfectly hit his taste.

the furnishing of the sixties bungalow in brütten was an absolute stroke of luck. client, architect and performa nearly had the same taste of design. they could work without exception with the latest performa collection. materiality and special sizes were customized to the requirements of the rooms. finally andré bachmann and his agency started to launch the performa collection in switzerland – successfully! since this time, he is related with our house in friendship.


projectarchitect: peter kunz architekten