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Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter

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+49.(0)7131.390 17 31

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Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter

fragen - beratung - bestellung


wir freuen uns auf sie
+49.(0)7131.390 17 31

special show stylepark workscapes

the central special show of stylepark, as part of the orgatec 2004, was “workscapes”. stylepark made a setting for a production on 650 sqm, within companies were workin in cooperation with organizers. they were thinking and talking innovatively and creatively about concepts within the theme of “work”. performa produced the whole exhibition, following the design of patricia urquiola and martino berghinz.
on one of the six exhibition areas performa showed own products about “living at work”.


projectarchitect: patricia urquiola, martino berghinz